From the original online
Apocrypha Discordia
as presented by BloodStar--
As investigated by Federal

The Wedding
cuteleaderjester*, apparently_a_pseudonym, danacasso, razmear
(*cuteleaderjester is The Mary, later Saint The Mary)

(as transcribed from the original ceremony held in Pig Latin by
Reverend Loveshade,
Episkopos of the Discordian Division of the Ek-sen-triks CluborGuild)
The following is the entire official transcript of the wedding of St. The Mary, who
married apparently_a_pseudonym, danacasso and razmear on 18 November 2001
and 17 November 2001 (the bride and grooms were married on different days, but at
the same moment. It's something to do with time zones. Ask BloodStar to explain it;
I'm not the scientist here). The wedding was performed in Cyberspace and is legally
valid in Fnordia, but is probably not legally valid anywhere else.

The wedding had five parts, which is Discordian, but three sections are listed here;
The Preception, which is before the Wedding; The Wedding, which is the Wedding;
The Reception, which is what happened after The Wedding until the Oaficiant,
who also served as recorder, left (That would be me, Reverend Loveshade). Sorry,
The Proposals are not available here. Perhaps the Bride and/or Grooms have a
copy. Anyone who would like transcripts and the spy cam recording of
Honeymoon is invited to send $537 directly to me, Reverend Loveshade. You won't
actually get any transcripts or recording, but I can certainly use the money.

Plus you can see
The Program at no extra charge.

These accounts are provided free for viewing and for personal enjoyment. Anyone
who was a part of the ceremony is free to post it as they will without editing, but for
anybody else it's hands off unless you get permission, which really will probably be
easy to get if you ask.**

**This has been changed--see copyright info below.

Most of these people can or used to be contacted in or about (this name is no longer valid.
It's now
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons
2.5 License.
The graphics are from Yahoo! Sitebuilder and are
used by permission.
The Wedding of The Mary,
danacasso & razmear
17 and 18 November 2001
A Discordian Wedding
as performed by Reverend Loveshade
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